Category | 6U/8U | 10U | 12U | 14U |
Field Size | L: 60-70 yds W: 35-45 yds (Cross-Field) | L: 60-70 yds W: 35-45 yds (Cross-Field) | 7v7 Cross Field 10v10 Full Field | Full Field |
Cross Length | FP: 37’-42” GK 37”-54” LP none | FP 37”-42” GK 37”-54” LP 47”-54” (3 max) | FP 40”-42” GK 40”-72” LP 52”-72”(7v7=3 max, 10v10=4max) | FP 40”-42” GK 40”-72” LP 52”-72” (4 max) |
Players | 4v4 1GK, 3 field players | 6v6 or 7v7 1GK, 5 or 6 field players | 7v7 1GK 2D 2A 2M 10v10 NFHS | 10 v 10 NFHS |
Goal Size | 4’x4’ | 4’x4’ | 6’x6’ | 6’v6’ |
All Player Equipment | NFHS | |||
Length of Game | 4 x 10’ Running | 4 x 10’ Running | 4 x 10’ Running | 4 x 10’ Running |
OverGme | No | No | No | No |
Team Timeouts | None. Officials only | None. Officials Only | See 14U | 2 per half, 1 each OT |
Counts | 4-sec GK only, no advance | 4-sec GK only, no advance | See 14U | GK 4 + 20s Def zone +10s Off.zone |
Faceoffs | No FO; Coin flip winner Center X. Others on own def. half >5yds from each other. Other team ball start 2nd half | 1 FO 1 GK, 2 behind each G.L.E 7v7 adds 1 wing (foot on either SL) FO on knee is OK | 7v7 1 FO 1GK 2 behind each GLE 1 wing) foot on either sideline) 10v10 Same as NFHS Standing Neutral Grip | Same is NFHS incl. Standing Neutral Grip. |
SubsGtuGons | NFHS | NFHS | ||
Scrum | Extended w/3 or more players, use AP | Extended w/3 or more players, use AP | N/A | N/A |
Restarts | All players must be 5 yards from ball carrier | Can restart play w/ defense within 5 yards, must gain 5 yard separaSon before engaging. | ||
Fouling Out | Personals= 3X or 5-mins | |||
Advancing | N/A | N/A | 20s Def zone + 10s Off zone + Over/Back if ajer clear | 20s Def zone + 10s Off zone + Over/Back if ajer clear |
Stalling | N/A | N/A | 10v10 only: See 14U | Final 2m if team ahead 1-4 goals |
One Pass Rule | 1 akempted pass ajer FO possession or restart ajer goal scored | 1 akempted pass ajer FO possession | N/A | N/A |
Flag Down SituaGons | Stop play when ball hits ground, not a shot | |||
Man-Up or ManDown | N/A; Player serves, team plays at full strength | N/A; Player serves team plays full strength | Yes (3-down max) All Sme serving fouls are Non-Releasable | Yes (3 down max) All Sme serving fouls are Non-Releasable |
Penalty Time | All Time Serving fouls are Non Releasable |
Offsides | N/A | 7v7 > on off. Or >5 on def.(exclude penalty area: never man-down) | 7v7 >4 on off/ half Or >5 on def. half (include penalty area) 10v10 see 14U | >6 on off. Half Or >7 on def.half (include penalty area) |
3-Yard Rule | ALL LEGAL holds, pushes & checks must be on a player w/ possession or within 3 yds of loose ball | |||
Body Contact | Legal Holds, Legal Pushes, Boxing Out, Riding, Incidental | Below neck and Above waist | ||
Checking with Cross | Lij/poke bokom hand or head of cross below chest area OR downward check iniSated below BOTH players’ shoulders. No one-handed checks permiVed | See 3-yard rule, one handed OK |